Friday, July 24, 2009

my dad's an idiot moron, what else is new?

so it's been awhile, eh?

had a pretty good day, mostly cause i was at my driving lesson. driving on the freeway was exciting. scary, but exciting. that was the highlight of my day.

then good old, hate him, needs to learn some manners, dad ruined my day. the one time i actually get to drive without my instructor & actually practice without paying for it, my dad has to be a passenger driver & keeps telling me the traffic light is red, the car in front of me is slowing down, turn on your signal, etc. i know what i'm doing, i don't need you to tell me what, where, or how to get to my destination. i know where it is.

and as we finally reach my mom's work to drop off her dinner, i slow down to turn left, but instead of hitting the break, i accidently hit the accelerator. so the car goes into the parking lot really fast & dad starts yelling that i should have slowed down and a bunch of other crap. when i bring my mom the food, she asks me how it went. i tell her everything went fine until her stupid husband started opening his mouth. she goes on to say, "he told me that you hit the accelerator instead of the break." so i tell her my side of the story. i tell her that i'm used to looking at the floor to see the break & accelerator and what i thought was the break, was the other. my mom then says that he's nervous when i drive & he's the one in the passenger seat. i tell her i don't care. why should i care about him, he's not that great of a father or person. she continues by saying that he feels like he's going to die when i'm driving. i'm not even a bad driver; i go 30 at a 40 miles per hour street. i go that slow so i don't get a ticket. whereas my dad, he's gotten a total of four in the last year and a half. maybe even more that i don't even know about. did i mention that my dad's an angry driver?

so when my mom told me that, i responded by telling her that he's lived through open heart surgery, msra, multiple back and leg troubles, and he's a diabetic. i highly doubt he'll die of a car accident. as we left i told my mom that her husband was crazy.

as dad & i enter the car, he tells me that i'm going to make him die of a heart attack. i say under my breathe that a heart attack for you would be a good thing. at least he would be one step closer to dying. and if anything, he should really die from lung cancer because out of everything that he's been through with his health, cigarette smoking has yet to leave a mark. remember, my dad already had a quadruple bypass surgery for his heart. and he still smokes.

so i try to tell him my story & he says i'm just making excuses. he says something in visaya which i can't really understand, but in my own words, i bet he was trying to say, "stop making excuses. shut up. you're stupid. i hate you." actually if he said that he hated me, i would have said that the feeling was mutual. the fact that he won't even hear my side of the story & continues to blame me is ridiculous. like he expects me to fail. i really do wonder if he even loves me as his own daughter. i don't know really what to say about that, if he doesn't, no hard fellings. i only love him as my dad cause i have to, cause it's my job. he's not that special to me. i can tell you this, i wouldn't be crying at his funeral. i wouldn't even go.

bastard - 1) an illegitimate child; 2) a word used as a derogatory term for an unpleasant person; 3) a mongrel.

maybe i should just start calling dad bastard. i'm pretty sure he'll respond to that. it's practically his second name.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

just got back from vegas.

well almost. i got back monday night. anywho. vegas was a blast; the part that i spent with my mom anyway. dad was a complete party pooper. i'm glad that i was able to say that i woke up in vegas. though i didn't hear the popular katy pery song over there at all.

mom & i saw phantom of the opera at the venetian & lion king at mandalay bay. i'm trying to convince her to come back to vegas on the weekend of aug 1 but she doesn't want to spend too much money this summer. the jonas brothers are going to be there that weekend!

it was a great 4th of july weekend, even the part where we had to ride a train & bus to get to the infamous sin city. but it was all worth it in the end. well except the heat. surprisingly it's worse then the valley. then again, it is a desert.

my dad ordered porn while mom & i were just entering the hotel room. there wasn't an arcade in the notel that we were staying in & mom doesn't like me to wonder around without her. so i was forced to watch juno on my laptop with the earphones & the volume up to infinity. i could still hear everything that was being said in the "adult movie." ewwww. talk about dear old dad.

mom & i got a lot of mugs for souvenirs. i really like them. got a couple stuff for myself too. lion king & phantom shirts & a purse from the ceasar's palace forum shops. though i feel guilty for even buying it [don't see the chances of me actually using it].

loved both lion king & phantom, but phantom was definitely my favorite part of vegas. i think my all time favorite musical would be phantom, mostly cause of performance that i just witnessed. AMAZING!!!!! and the actor that played raoul, named andrew ragone, was just plain old gorgeous. and christine daae was beautiful too. they both have great chemistry on stage; they should definitely date.

lion king got me a bit bored in the beginning. maybe cause i was really tired from all the walking & heat or possibly because i've seen the disney version & it looks almost exactly the same w/ a few added songs. but it was still great.

in all, vegas was great. can't wait to go again soon. maybe even august 1!!!! :D

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

omg, macbook pro!

as the title suggests, i got a macbook pro laptop!!!! just got it yesterday & i haven't been able to stop playing with it. i love it so much!!!! see you in a little bit.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

i hate people.

people. i hate people. mostly cause they're just annoying. ok, i'm being a bit judgmental, but, who isn't in this day of age. people suck.

my friend and i share a common interest: hating people. this usually happens when we first meet them. whether they're nice, horrible, smart, funny, or ridiculously stupid [like my dad]. we, in general, just hate people. the only upside to hating people, is that we'll eventually learn to tolerate you, try to listen to your "feelings", let you into our inner circle, & possibly by the end of the year, or 2, we'll like you, just maybe not completely as a person. but until you are deemed worthy, i'll just continue to hate you.

the number one person i probably hate the most would be my dad, mostly cause he's just useless. i would rank my hatred for him with onions. i want to discard of them along with the rest of the trash. my father & i don't have an understanding relationship, due to him not learning any social skills what so ever in school. i blame the poor economy of the philippines. moving on, if you knew my dad & you were my sibling, you would understand from where i was coming from. other people say he's funny; they've obviously never seen him drunk, yelling like an insane patient in a mental facility, or seen how incredibly stupid, disrespectful, or temperamental he is about everything. and i'd also like to mention that he tends to be disrespectful towards women, calling my mom & me idiots or pulling my shorts [more of a 'i'm kidding' manner than a pedophile manner, but i've seen a lot of law & order & other crap to know that what he does is wrong.] he also watches the girls that drive at my school come out of their cars as he drops me off in the morning. i know, pedophile. the worst part is that when you tell him this crap, he'll say he wasn't doing anything wrong. he doesn't say this cause he's trying to defend himself, he says this cause he has no manners, feelings towards other people, & doesn't fully comprehend how what he's doing is considered wrong and/or completely creepy. i wonder if the same people who called him funny still think he is after reading this.

sorry for going off on a tangent, but i just had to brings this up cause my dad is a moron and i really don't care for him anymore. i didn't really care that much when he was gone for 2 & a half months when he was in the hospital. want to know the sad part: neither did my mom or his siblings back in the philippines worried about him because he brought it all on himself. they mostly took pity on me & mom because we had all this stress w/ work & school & he just made it worse by getting sick. the man has diabetes for crying out loud & he doesn't even follow the doctors's instructions to stop smoking, eating better, & to take good care of himself. oh yeah, back in 2005, he had to have a quadruple bypass surgery on his heart. and he still continues to smoke. i'm surprised he hasn't gotten lung cancer yet.

i swear to god all these blog posts will mostly be about my parents. this is why i hate summer vacation. the only other enemy besides yourself is your damn parents.

if only i were adopted, that would make so much sense for why i can't stand him.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

nearly drowned in a pool

are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!
i haven't even been home for at least 5 minutes and my mom starts to bitch at me for not knowing how to swim.

so here's the damn full story: today was my friend's bday/pool party. i had an awesome day w/ my friends swimming, playing taboo, & watching kung fu panda. everything was great. but by the time i come home & put away all my crap, my mom asks me how was my day. i tell her what i just told you & say 'but the swimming was terrible.' because i can't really swim. then she starts bitching at me for not knowing how to swim & that i should have learned how to swim in our 1st house that we had when i was 5 years old. i yell back, 'how could have i learned to swim when you & dad don't even know how to swim!' then she starts yelling at me that i should watch where i spit. hello, it was an accident, no need to get all dramatic, & besides, it was a tiny spit that people tend to do, not a big fucking deal. then i tell her 'you weren't capable of teaching me how to swim & you have never signed me up for swimming lessons.'

so is it really my fault that i can't swim, no. and fine, technically it's not her fault either. but she doesn't have to accuse me of something so pointless & stupid when i haven't seen her for most of the day. and the fact that she even blames me is unbelievable. so i can't swim, it's not the end of the world! and frankly, why does she care anyway, half the time she hates me & wishes she never had me. she doesn't have to say it, but you can see it in her face. bitch!

thanks a lot, mother, for ruining my wonderful day. i hope i can return the favor to you soon. oh wait, i already did: you gave birth to me.

Monday, June 22, 2009

I what?

Class of '09. Yay, I guess.

I'm finally done with high school, yesterday was the first day of summer, and college is looming like the angel of death. None of which I am too thrilled about.

This summer, if that's the correct term for the next 10 weeks, will be filled with remedial classes, online math courses, and hopefully achieving my goal of getting a car & license this summer. Oh happy day!

I have nothing worth doing this summer. Someone please help. My mom wants to go to Vegas before the 4th of July weekend, so we don't get stuck in traffic. And if by some reason we can't make it to Sin City, the road trip to the San Diego Zoo will be waiting for us. Oh, and Shamu too. If you can't tell by now, I'm not excited for the following weeks.

I don' t want to waste the last summer of my supposed childhood doing nothing & only go on a weekend vacation to Vegas. I've been to Vegas, practically the same from what I here. I was talking it over with a few friends at school & we all came up w/ the idea of having a road trip. Is it possible to visit 49 states in 10 weeks and stay for more than 2 days?

What about you people out there, what are your plans for summer 2009?

For my first blog post, I think it went well. See you on the flipside. Adios.

British Colombia, now that's what I call a summer vacation/road trip.
British Columbia, now that's what I call a vacation/road trip.